<![CDATA[RED HOT AND LADYLIKE - Thoughts from MissE]]>Tue, 11 Feb 2025 16:45:44 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[You Lose......I Win!!  Looking Ahead!]]>Sat, 14 Jan 2017 13:22:30 GMThttp://redhotandladylike.com/thoughts-from-misse/you-losei-win-looking-aheadPicture
I started my new year finding out on New Year's Eve that the man I had dated for the past year was in engaged, married, annulled, and married again right under my nose in between our visits.

 I was devastated....even ending up in the emergency room  At first I wanted to hide from everyone.....feeling SO dumb that I, a confident woman, had been played.  Then, anger set in when finding out how many lies I was led to believe and the number or other women who had been played by the same man Now, I am looking ahead and turning my negative experience into positives!  

I Win..... I was able to leave easily and was not legally bound to the man I now know has been married at least 4 times if not more.  

I Win.... I was reminded of how much I love to travel. I got to see Dresden, Germany a beautiful part of the world that I probably wouldn't have ever visited twice if I hadn't met him  

I Win.....I got out safely. My heart & ego were hurt but he never physically hurt me like I now know he has done to other women when they discovered his truths.  I will now take the precautions I need to protect myself from him.

I Win....I was reminded of all the family & friends who love me, have my back and are here for me.  Who reached out to remind me that I am not alone.  He will never know what that feels like. He is a Narcissist and can only love himself.  For that I am very sad for him!

I Win.....I am going to share my story to help other women.  I am not going to tuck my tail and hide.  He may of hurt me but he didn't break me.  If anything he made me stronger and more passionate of my wanting to help other women.

I Win....I am going to follow my dream of driving across the USA teaching Red Hot & Ladylike classes along the way raising money to fight Domestic Violence.....more details soon!!

I know it will still take some time for me to be whole and trust again....but I WILL.  Everyday my heart is growing stronger, my fire is burning brighter and my passion to help other women is flowing greater!!  For all these reasons and more......


<![CDATA[Empowering ....Stepping out of my Comfort Zone!]]>Mon, 07 Mar 2016 01:09:53 GMThttp://redhotandladylike.com/thoughts-from-misse/empowering-stepping-out-of-my-comfort-zone
Yesterday, I did something I wasn't sure I would ever do.....I did an semi nude photo shoot!! It was not only a powerful and confidence boosting experience it was an emotional high I guess.  WHY?  I talk to women everyday about embracing the body you have and not the one you dream about....telling them men don't view our bodies like we do.  They don't see the cellulite, the scars, the imperfections ...love your curves!! All the while I have my own body issues....mainly exposing my stomach. Surprise!! Yes, I should think of it as beautiful as its scars are the markings of an amazing son I brought into this world...but I don't.  I hide it not wanting to be judged by the stretch marks & scars.... I haven't worn a bikini since getting pregnant in 1997!!
  Today that all changed.....Thank you Matthew Richards Photography for getting me to face that fear!  I was nervous at first and with the music playing, in the comfort of my own studio & yes a glass of chardonnay.....I shed the clothes, changed outfits many times and became comfortable in front of the camera. For a couple hours I felt like the sexiest woman alive!  I think every woman should feel that way!!  
 I am sharing with you because I want you to understand even the most confident person in the world has fears.....tackle them, face them BUT don't ever let them hold you back!!!

This pic was my own selfie before the shoot....I will let you know when the other pictures are ready!!
<![CDATA[New Year.....are you ready to find your sexy??]]>Tue, 19 Jan 2016 17:10:47 GMThttp://redhotandladylike.com/thoughts-from-misse/new-yearare-you-ready-to-find-your-sexyIn kicking off the new year I decided I wanted to start a blog....not sure what direction I want to go in but I do know I want to share how Red Hot & Ladylike has changed my life and is inspiring other women to find their sexy confidence too!

So let's start with why I started RHL in the first place.  In 2008, I was in a bad place...just getting out of an abusive marriage and not feeling beautiful or that I would ever be desired again.  A friend invited to get away and join her in Canada for some workshops.  Everyone knows dance is the best medicine. This is where I took my first burlesque class with JesseLee Santos!  He has worked with the Pussy Cat Dolls, Bruno Mars, Britney Spears just to name a few! His class was amazing!!  I left that class wanting every woman to feel as sexy as I did that day!

I knew I had found my calling!! I started with occasional workshops combining my technical dance background with my ideas of sexy and Red Hot & Ladylike was born!! Taking it to the next level I started the RHL company so that my dream of doing shows could become reality!  Finally 2 years later in 2010, my first RHL show "Fantasy" sold out at 250 people at Port City Music Hall, Portland, ME!! I then had the courage to open my studio in Fall of 2010!!

I opened my studio while still working as a full-time managing director for another studio plus artistic director of a non-profit youth dance company.. In the next steps of following my dreams.... I left the youth company after starting it & running for 12 years.  Change is constant, definitely not easy. In 2012, circumstances forced me to make a choice......I left the studio I had run faithfully for 23 years. This was a very difficult transition as I took a huge hit financially and even went thru a bit of depression. Slowly I picked up the pieces with the support of great friends!

Fast forward to 2016,  I have done over 30 successful shows, the studio is thriving plus I expanded to two companies adding a RHL touring company!! 

I believed in my dream.... My passion is now my full time job!!
